Bible Verse of the Day

Bible Verses About Loving Your Enemies – Matthew 5:44 Explanation: What Is an Enemy?

Today’s Verse

The Lord Jesus said, “But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you.”

– Matthew 5:44

The Lord Jesus said, “But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). Who are the “enemies” and those who “persecute you” referred to in these words of the Lord? What is its connection to the people God aims to save? Read this text to find the answers and to understand whether you are among those whom God seeks to save.

The Lord Jesus said, “But I say to you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). This is the teaching of the Lord Jesus for us. However, many people do not know who the “enemies” and those who “persecute you” referred to by the Lord Jesus are. This has led some people to pray for the devil Satan’s regime that hates God, pray for the wicked who oppose God and even blaspheme God. This is completely against the will of God. To clarify this issue, first, we must understand that God’s work of salvation is for the human race corrupted by Satan, not for the devil Satan that deceives and corrupts humanity. In human history, every regime of Satan, the kings of devils in the world, that oppose God and persecute God’s chosen people, all have received punishment from God. God showed them no mercy, only curses and destruction. Based on this fact, we can determine that when the Lord Jesus talked about “loving your enemies,” He absolutely did not refer to the devil Satan, nor did He refer to Satanic regimes that oppose God. The Lord Jesus never asked us to pray for Satan, to pray for the regime of Satan that resist God, and He never said to save the devil Satan. So, who are the “enemies” that we are supposed to love? We can see that humanity has been corrupted too deeply by Satan, living in sin. They can deny God, oppose God, and pass judgment on God. Without God’s love and salvation, they would all be destroyed by God. However, among the corrupted human race under Satan’s influence, there are some who are willing to listen to God’s voice and who can accept the truth. These people are God’s sheep, the ones God intends to save. Before hearing God’s word and the truth, they don’t understand God’s will, and don’t know God; some even judge God’s work after being deceived by Satan. But they don’t hate God and don’t directly oppose God. Upon hearing God’s words and the truth, they can turn to God and accept the true way. For such people, we should pray for them, asking God to move them to repent, confess their sins, and turn to God. This kind of practice is in line with God’s will. Therefore, when the Lord Jesus said “love your enemies,” these “enemies” were referring to the people that God intends to save, the ones who can be saved. It absolutely does not refer to the devil Satan. Let’s look at a passage of God’s words to understand who the people that God intends to save are. God says, “Though mankind has been subjected to the oppression of Satan, and is no longer Adam and Eve from the beginning of creation, but instead is full of things that are antagonistic to God, such as knowledge, imagination, notions, and so on, and full of the corrupt satanic disposition, in the eyes of God, mankind is still the same mankind that He created. Mankind is still ruled and orchestrated by God, and still lives within the course set out by God, and so in the eyes of God, mankind, who has been corrupted by Satan, is merely covered in grime, with a rumbling tummy, with reactions that are a little slow, a memory that is not as good as it used to be, and is slightly older—but all the functions and instincts of man are completely undamaged. This is the mankind that God intends to save. This mankind has but to hear the call of the Creator, and hear the voice of the Creator, and he will stand up and rush to locate the source of this voice. This mankind has but to see the figure of the Creator and he will become heedless of all else, and forsake everything, in order to devote himself to God, and will even lay down his life for Him. When the heart of mankind understands the heartfelt words of the Creator, mankind will reject Satan and come to the side of the Creator; when mankind has completely washed the dirt from his body, and has once more received the provision and nourishment of the Creator, then the memory of mankind will be restored, and at this time mankind will have truly returned to the dominion of the Creator.

God’s words are very clear: In God’s eyes, mankind refers to those He intends to save, not those who harbor hatred for God and reject the truth. Those who harbor such hatred belong to the devil and are not considered humans in God’s eyes. For the human race that God intends to save, they are corrupted by Satan, have corrupt, satanic dispositions, and often live in sin, however, the instincts, inner needs, and various desires within such people have not changed. Deep within their souls, there is a longing for God, a love for the truth, and an inclination toward God. They cannot be separated from God, and this inherent connection with God is something that Satan cannot corrupt. When these people hear the voice of the Creator, they can stand up, seek God, and follow Him. They can receive God’s salvation, break free from Satan’s dominion, overcome sin, and achieve purification, truly returning under the sovereignty of the Creator.

In comparison to the standards of the people God intends to save, are you one of them? If you are, please contact us through the online chat window at the bottom of our website. Join us in learning God’s words, so you will hear the voice of God and return to be at the Creator’s side.