Faith and Life

Though Given a Death Sentence by Doctors, Her Daughter Turned the Corner Marvelously (I)

By Wang Yue

One day in the winter of 2014, my daughter, Lanlan, happily said to me, “ Mom, when I got into the car accident the year before last, I prayed to God, saying that if I could survive, I was willing to expend my whole life for God to repay His love. It’s the time when God’s kingdom gospel is greatly expanded, and this requires more people to be considerate toward God’s intentions and expend for Him now. I am willing to spread God’s gospel to even more people.” At her words, I was moved so that my tears flowed. I said to her, “Lanlan, your life was given by God, so I support you.” When I saw my daughter who had grown up and been sensible, my thoughts returned to what happened three years ago …

When a car accident came abruptly, God’s word comforted me.

At past 11 a.m. on October 8, 2011, when I was cooking at home, my phone rang suddenly. As soon as I picked it up, there came someone’s anxious voice, “Your daughter Lanlan got into a car accident. Now she’s being saved in the county hospital. Please come here quickly.” After listening to the news, my head began to ache. Before I could react, the person had hung up the phone. After putting down my phone, I was stunned for a while and thought: This morning Lanlan went out to take care of something by bike. How come she had the accident? But it doesn’t look like a hoax from the person’s voice. Without allowing myself time to think, I put down what I was working on and immediately left my home, hurriedly going to the hospital by cab. Sitting in the cab, I was so anxious that I clenched my fists and continuously looked out the window. I thought to myself: “How is her condition now? Where is she hurt? Is her life in danger? She’s only 17 years old and definitely afraid in the hospital by herself …” At this moment, I felt like flying to her side to see what had happened. In great anxiety, I cried out to God in my heart, “O God! Encountering this thing, I’m confused. I don’t know whether my daughter’s condition is serious. Oh God! May You keep my heart at peace in front of You. No matter how her condition is, I’m willing to submit to Your orchestrations and arrangements and will not complain against You.” After the prayer, I thought of God’s words, “For I am your Father; I am your strong tower, I am your shelter, and I am your backup. Moreover, I am your Almighty One; I am your all!” Right. God is almighty; He is my support and also my shelter. I should depend on God and entrust my daughter to His hands, believing He will pull her through. Thinking of these, my flustered heart gradually calmed down.

In the car accident, God marvelously protected my daughter.

Getting to the county hospital, I hastily ran to the emergency room and saw the following scene: Lanlan was lying on the sickbed, who was covered with blood stains all over; she looked livid, breathing very hard. I saw her condition was so serious that my heart suddenly went to my throat, not knowing what to do next. Then, hearing her faint voice “Mom,” I gripped her hand and lightly touched her face. With my lips trembling, I felt so bad that I couldn’t speak and tears blurred my eyes. At this point, the woman driver standing by my side was constantly apologizing to me. From her words, I knew the whole accident: When my daughter got run over, she was pinned under the car and then fainted on the spot. The car’s chassis was so low that she stuck badly under it. It was a special emergency. However, no matter how people pulled her, they failed. Just when they didn’t know what to do, she actually crawled from the chassis slowly. Hearing this, I kept thanking God for His protection. Then, the doctor came in and hurriedly said to me, “Are you the family of the patient? When she was pinned under the car, her lungs were seriously compressed. So she breathes very hard now. What’s more, her genitals are bleeding continuously. I suggest you hurry to the provincial hospital, or she can die at any time.” At the words, my heart was torn, agreeing to his advice.

The ambulance speeded on the highway. The air seemed frozen. I was so nervous that my heart clenched like a fist and kept my eyes on my daughter all the time. At that moment, she opened her eyes and told me faintly: “Mom, I can’t breathe….” Seeing her pained expression, I was more nervous. I feared she really couldn’t bear it and would die. So I held her hand tightly and stooped down, quietly consoled her in her ear: “Lanlan, do not be alarmed. Let’s pray to God and rely on Him. Just a little bit longer, we’ll soon be at the Provincial Hospital.” Hearing my words, she blinked, indicating that she understood it. At this point, seeing that she was hurt all over and her life was still hanging by a thread, I couldn’t help but have some weakness in my heart. Then I called out to God in my heart to give me faith and strength, and asked Him to guide me to face whatever happened next.

The doctor was cold, but God saved my daughter.

After two and a half hours, we arrived at the emergency room of the Provincial People’s Hospital, waiting for doctors to rescue her. Unexpectedly, a doctor came to see my daughter’s injuries, saying easily, “The patient’s condition is very serious, but there’s no ward in the in-patient department nor a bed here. Hurry to call other hospitals.” With that, she turned her head and left. Then, my husband and people who accompanied us hastened to call the nearby hospitals, but they were filled with patients and no bed could be spared at all. Plus, if we went to another hospital, we would delay time and we were afraid my daughter couldn’t hold on. Seeing she was breathless with the serious condition, I was burning to think: Don’t doctors save lives and help the injured? Why did the doctor not save my daughter? If she can’t be saved in time, then she will die at any time. I was in great suspense. I hoped very much that a good-hearted doctor could come to save my daughter, but none of the doctors was willing to do it. Helplessly, I prayed to God urgently, “O God! My daughter’s condition is very serious, but the hospital isn’t willing to accept her. Now I truly don’t know what to do. O God! All things are in Your hands. May You open up a way out for us.” After the prayer, I remembered God’s words, “Man’s heart and spirit are held in the hand of God, everything of his life is beheld in the eyes of God. Regardless of whether or not you believe this, any and all things, whether living or dead, will shift, change, renew, and disappear in accordance with God’s thoughts. Such is the way in which God presides over all things.” Right, God is the Ruler of all things: Everyone’s thoughts and ideas are held in the hand of God. What time doctors will treat my daughter and whether her life will be at risk are all up to God. I should obey God’s rule and arrangements. Under the guidance of God’s words, I was no longer so worried, willing to rely on God and wait for His arrangement.

Nearly half an hour later, the previous doctor came again. When she saw us, she asked and then knew why we didn’t go to another hospital. Afterward, she thought for a while and suddenly said to us, “Hurry up! Wheel the patient into the corridor, and I’ll temporarily give her simple first aid.” At that moment, I knew it was God who heard my prayer, changed the doctor’s thoughts and ideas, moving her to save my daughter. All of this was God’s deed. Therefore, I thanked God continuously in my heart for His company as well as being my ever-present reliance.

My daughter’s life hung in the balance, and God gave me faith.

After the doctor simply examined my daughter, she saw my daughter’s genitals were bleeding continuously and let us hurriedly go to gynecology. Then after an examination, the gynecologists operated on her immediately. Having finished it, they rang the department of orthopedics to give her a bed, and finally at past 11:00 pm., my daughter lived in an orthopedic ward. Later, after the attending physician of orthopedics, and the experts of the thoracic surgery department and internal medicine held a consultation, one of them told us: “The patient’s condition is very serious. Though her bones don’t seriously get hurt, serious mechanical compression of the lungs causes swelling of the lungs and irritation, making her breathe hard. Because the inflammation and swelling can’t go down immediately, the following three days will be the most critical. She will die at any time, so you should prepare for the worst.” Hearing the doctor say this, I felt as if a knife were piercing my heart and didn’t dare to go on listening. With tears in my eyes, I ran back to the ward, holding my daughter’s hand tightly and fearing she could depart from me anytime. Recalling her every smile from a young age, I felt extreme pain and thought: If she dies, how will I get on? In despair I cried to God in my heart time and time again, “Oh, God. The doctor said my daughter can die at any time. I’m afraid. O God! May You guide me to face such an environment.”

After my prayer, a hymn of God’s words occurred very clearly to me in my mind, “Faith is like a single log bridge: Those who cling abjectly to life will have difficulty in crossing it, but those who are ready to sacrifice themselves can pass over, sure of foot and worry-free. If man harbors timid and fearful thoughts, it is because Satan has fooled them, afraid that we will cross the bridge of faith to enter into God.” Thanks for the leadership and guidance of God’s words. From these words, I knew the reason why I was so miserable and afraid of my daughter’s dying was that I had no faith in God, and that I had no genuine belief in God’s control of the fate of every person. This made me unknowingly fall into Satan’s scheme and be fooled by it. I wrongly thought the doctor could determine my daughter’s life and death and really was so stupid. In this environment, God hoped that I would cooperate with God with confidence, and obtain the true belief in and obedience to God. Only in this way could I fight back against Satan’s tricks and not live in agony and fear. When I understood the will of God, I said a prayer of submission to God: “No matter whether my daughter will live or die, I ask You to guide me to face it.” Gradually, I felt at ease in my heart.

To Be Continued …

Part Two: Though Given a Death Sentence by Doctors, Her Daughter Turned the Corner Marvelously (II)