Questions and Answers

Over the years of my believing in the Lord, I have received much grace and have also been cured of my illness. If I turn to believe in Almighty God, won’t I be conscienceless?

The answer from God’s word:

“Since one believes in God, he should closely follow God’s every footstep and should ‘follow the Lamb wherever he goes.’ Only such a person is one who truly seeks the true way and one who knows the work of the Holy Spirit. Those who rigidly observe letters and doctrines are all the ones eliminated by the work of the Holy Spirit. In each age God will carry out a new work, and in each age he will make a new start among men. If one only holds on to such truths as, ‘Jehovah is God’ or ‘Jesus is Christ,’ which are only applicable in one age, he will never be able to keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit and will never receive the work of the Holy Spirit. No matter what work God does, if one follows it without any doubt and follows it closely, then how could he be eliminated by the Holy Spirit? No matter what work God does, if one cooperates with the Holy Spirit’s work and tries to meet God’s requirements without any misgiving when he knows for certain that it is the work of the Holy Spirit, then how could he be punished? God’s work never stops, and his footsteps never stop either. Before he has accomplished the management work, he is always busy and never stops his footsteps. Men, however, are different: After they receive a little work of the Holy Spirit, they take it as something never-changing; after they gain a little knowledge, they do not go forward to ‘trace’ God’s newer work; after they see a little work of God, they rashly circumscribe God as a fixed wooden image, thinking that God is forever in the image they have seen, being so in the past and forever so in the future; after they gain a little superficial knowledge, they are so pleased with themselves and begin to wildly preach about the non-existent disposition and being of God; after they have confirmed one stage of work of the Holy Spirit, regardless of who preaches God’s new work, they will not accept it. These people are all ones who cannot accept the new work of the Holy Spirit and ones who are too conservative and unable to accept new things. They are all ones who believe in God but reject God. People all think that it is wrong for ‘the Israelites to only believe in Jehovah but not believe in Jesus.’ However, most of them are playing the role of ‘only believing in Jehovah while rejecting Jesus’ and the role of ‘expecting the Messiah to come while resisting the Messiah called Jesus.’Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps to the end can receive the ultimate blessings. None of the ‘smart men,’ who have not followed to the end but think that they have gained everything, can see God’s appearing. They all consider themselves the smartest in the world. They put the continuously developing work of God to an end without any reason, and moreover, they seem to believe with one hundred percent assurance that God will take them up the ‘utterly faithful ones who follow God and hold on to God’s words.’ Although they are ‘utterly faithful’ to the words God spoke, I still feel that their words and acts are really too disgusting, because they all are ones who resist the work of the Holy Spirit and ones who practice craftiness and do evil. Those who cannot follow to the end and who cannot keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit but only hold on to the old work not only fail to be faithful to God but instead become the ones who resist God, the ones rejected by the new age, and the ones to be punished. Aren’t they the most pitiable ones? Many people even think that all those who reject the old law and accept the new work are ones who have no conscience. These who only exercise ‘conscience’ but do not know the work of the Holy Spirit will have their future ruined by their conscience in the end. Even God does not keep regulations in working. Though they are his own works, he does not cling to them, negating those that ought to be negated and eliminating those that ought to be eliminated. However, man holds on to a small part of the management work and acts against God. Isn’t this man’s absurdity? Isn’t it man’s ignorance? The more one is cautious for fear of not receiving blessings, the less he can receive blessings and receive the ultimate blessings. Those who rigidly keep the law are all utterly faithful to the law. The more they are faithful to the law like that, the more they are disobedient ones who resist God, because now is the Age of the Kingdom, not the Age of the Law. The present work cannot be mentioned in the same breath with the past work, and the past work cannot be compared with the work of today. As God’s work has changed, man’s practice has also changed, which is not keeping the law or bearing the cross. So man’s faithfulness to the law and to the cross cannot be approved by God.”

from “God’s Work and Man’s Practice” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“The old age has passed, and now is a new age. In the new age, God will do new work. Especially in the last age when God is to perfect people, he will do newer work faster. So, if one does not have a mind to obey, it will be difficult for him to keep up with God’s footsteps. God does not keep regulations nor take any step of his work as a never-changing work; rather, he constantly does newer and higher work. His work becomes more and more practical from step to step, and the more it is done, the more it is in accordance with people’s actual needs. Only by experiencing such work can people be transformed in their disposition in the end. People’s knowledge of life becomes higher and higher, so the work God does becomes higher and higher. Only in this way can people be perfected and be fit for God’s use. God works in this way, on the one hand, to counter people’s notions and correct their notions, and on the other hand, to lead them into a higher and more practical state and into the highest realm of belief in God, so that his will can be fulfilled in the end. Those who are disobedient by nature and resist intentionally will all be eliminated by this stage of fast and powerful work. Only those who have a mind to obey and are willing to ‘humble’ themselves can walk to the end. In such work, you all should learn to obey and learn to drop your notions and should be cautious in taking each step. If you are careless, you will surely become ones who are detested and rejected by the Holy Spirit and ones who disrupt God’s work. Before people experienced this stage of work, their old regulations and rules were simply too many to count, so that they all were carried away and puffed up by them. These are all hindrances to their accepting the new work and are all enemies of their knowing God. If one does not have an obedient heart and does not have a heart that hungers for the truth, he is in danger. If you only obey simple works and words but cannot accept the deeper ones, then you are a conservative person and cannot keep up with the pace of the Holy Spirit’s working. God does different work in each age. If you obey the work of this period properly but do not obey the work of the next period properly or cannot obey it, then God will forsake you. When God walks up this step, you keep up; when he walks up the next step, you still have to keep up. Only thus are you one who obeys the Holy Spirit.”

from “Those Who Sincerely Obey God Will Surely Be Gained by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh