Questions and Answers

How will the beautiful prospect of the Kingdom God has prophesied be accomplished and fulfilled?

The answer from God’s word:

“When God gets exceedingly angry, the whole world will thus suffer all kinds of disasters, as if volcanoes are being split. From the sky above, it can be well seen that on earth all kinds of disasters are closing in on all mankind day by day. From a high spot, on earth there seem to be various scenes before an earthquake: Fiery water is scurrying everywhere, lava flowing everywhere, mountains moving, and chilling light flashing everywhere, and the whole world is sunk in the fire. This is just the scene when God gets furious and the time when God judges. No flesh can escape. So, there is no need for wars between countries or fights between men to destroy the whole world; rather, God will let the whole world ‘consciously enjoy itself’ in the cradle of his chastisement, with no one being able to escape and all going through it one by one. After this, in the entire universe there will shine again the divine luster, and all mankind will start a new life, while God will rest above the entire universe, blessing all mankind every day.”

from “The Interpretation of the Eighteenth Piece of Word” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“After the conquering work ends, mankind will be brought into a beautiful heaven and earth. Of course, such a life will still be on earth, but it will be greatly different from man’s present life. Such a life is a life mankind will have after they all have been conquered. Such a life will be another new beginning for mankind on earth. When mankind has such a life, it will prove that mankind has entered into another new and wonderful state, which will be the beginning of God and man living on earth. The precondition for men to have such a wonderful life is that they have to become obedient before the Creator after being purified and conquered. So, the conquering work is the last stage of work before mankind enters into the pleasant destination. Mankind will have such a life, and it will be the life on earth in the future, the most wonderful life on earth, and also a life man yearns for and a life man has never reached throughout history. It will be the ultimate result of the six-thousand-year management work, and it is what mankind hopes for the most and is also God’s promise to man. But it will take a period of time before this promise is fulfilled. When this last stage of work has been finished and men have been thoroughly conquered, that is, when satan has been thoroughly defeated, mankind will enter into the future destination. After men have been refined, they will not have the sinful nature, because God will have defeated satan, that is, there will be no hostile forces that can harass them. When there is not any hostile force that can attack men’s flesh, they will be free and become holy. Such will be the ones who enter into eternity. Only when the hostile forces of darkness have been bound and men are free wherever they are will they have no disobedience and no resistance. Once satan is bound, men will be fine. Now they are not, because satan is still disturbing everywhere on earth and because the entire management work has not concluded. After satan has been defeated, men will be completely released. When they have gained God and come out from under satan’s domain, they will see the sun of righteousness.”

from “Recover Man’s Normal Life and Bring Man into the Pleasant Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“When mankind has a real human life on earth, all satan’s forces will have been bound, and man’s life on earth will be very easy and will not be as complicated as it is now. Such things as interpersonal relationships, social relationships, and complicated family relationships are too troublesome and too painful! It is too miserable for man to live in these things! After man has been conquered, man’s heart and mind will have been changed, and all men will have a heart of fearing God and a heart of loving God. When all those in the entire universe who pursue to love God have been conquered, that is, when satan has been defeated, satan will have been bound, that is, all the forces of darkness will have been bound, and man’s life on earth will be free from any disturbance and man will be able to live on earth freely. If man’s life is without the fleshly relationships and without the complicated fleshly things, it will be much easier. Man’s fleshly relationships are too complicated. That man has these things proves that he has not broken away from satan’s influence. When you have the same relationship with the brothers and sisters as you usually have with your family members, you will be free from trouble and will not worry about anyone. That will be best. Then you will be relieved of half of your sufferings. When men live a normal human life on earth, they will be like angels. Although they will still be flesh, they will be almost like angels. This is the final promise, the promise bestowed to man in the end. Now people are experiencing chastisement and judgment. Do you think it is meaningless to experience these? Could the work of chastisement and judgment be done in vain? Before, God said that to chastise and judge men was to put them into the bottomless pit, which was to deprive them of their destiny and future. That was only for purifying them, and it was not to purposely put them into the bottomless pit and leave them there, but for dealing with the disobedience within them. In the end, when those things within men have been cleansed away and men have the true knowledge of God and are all like a holy person, everything will be accomplished.”

from “Recover Man’s Normal Life and Bring Man into the Pleasant Destination” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“The life in the rest will be a life in which there is no war, no filthiness, and no unrighteousness remaining, that is, there is no disturbance of satan (the hostile force), no corruption of satan, and no harassment of any force that is hostile to God, all things are after their kinds and worship the Creator, and the heavens and the earth are in peace. This will be mankind’s life in the rest. When God enters into rest, on earth there will be no more unrighteousness remaining and no more harassment of any hostile force, and mankind will enter into a new state and will no longer be the mankind corrupted by satan but a mankind who has been saved after being corrupted by satan. The day of mankind’s rest will also be the day of God’s rest. God loses his rest because mankind cannot enter into rest; it is not that he had no rest from the beginning. Entering into rest does not mean that all things will stop their activities or everything will stop developing. Neither does it mean that God will no longer work and men will no longer live their life. The mark of entering into rest is that satan has been destroyed, all the wicked men who are associated with satan in its evil have been punished and exterminated, and all the forces hostile to God exist no more. For God to enter into rest means that God will no longer do the work of saving mankind; for mankind to enter into rest means that all mankind will live in God’s light and live under God’s blessing, there will be no corruption of satan and no occurrence of unrighteousness, and all mankind will live normally on earth under God’s care. For God and man to enter into rest together means that mankind will have been saved and satan will have been destroyed, and that God’s work on man will have completely ended and God will not continue to work on man and man will no longer live under satan’s domain. Thus, God will no longer be busy and man will no longer rush about, and God and man will enter into rest at the same time. God will return to his original place, and men will all return to their own places. These will be the respective destinations of God and man after the end of the entire management. God will have his destination, and man will have his place to go. God in the rest will continue to lead all mankind to live on earth, and man in God’s light will worship the only true God in heaven. God will not live among men, and man cannot live with God in God’s destination. God and man cannot live in the same realm, and they will have their own ways of living. God is the One who leads all mankind, while all mankind are the crystallization of God’s management work and are the led ones, who are different from God in essence. The original meaning of ‘rest’ is to return to one’s original place. So, for God to enter into rest means that God will return to his original place, will no longer live on earth, and will no longer stay among men to share joys and sufferings with them. For man to enter into rest means that men will all become real created beings, will worship God on earth and have a normal life of mankind, will no longer disobey or resist God, and will recover the life of Adam and Eve in the beginning. These will be the respective lives and destinations of God and man after they enter into rest. The defeat of satan will be the sure trend of God warring against satan. So, God’s entering into rest after the end of his management work and man’s entering into rest after being thoroughly saved will also be the sure trend. Man’s resting place will be on earth, and God’s resting place will be in heaven. Man in the rest will worship God and live on earth, and God in the rest will lead the mankind who remain, leading them in heaven and not on earth. God will still be Spirit, and man will still be flesh; God and man will have their different ways of resting. God in the rest will come among men and appear to them, and man in the rest will be taken by God to heaven to have a visit and enjoy the heavenly life. After God and man enter into rest, satan will have ceased to exist, and the wicked men will, like satan, have also ceased to exist. Before God and man enter into rest, the evil ones who have persecuted God on earth and God’s enemies who have done disobedience on earth will have been destroyed, destroyed by the great disasters of the end time. After the thorough destruction of the evil ones, there will be no more disturbance of satan among men; only then will mankind have been thoroughly saved and will God’s work have completely ended. This is the precondition for God and man entering into rest.”

from “God and Man Will Enter Into Rest Together” in The Word Appears in the Flesh