Questions and Answers

Why Did God Allow Satan to Corrupt Mankind?

First of all, we should understand God allows Satan to corrupt mankind for the purpose of making us know Satan’s filth and evil. If we don’t know how evil Satan is and how it corrupts mankind, then we can’t see how God saves mankind; if we don’t see how evil Satan is, then we can’t know God’s righteousness and holiness. So, we can see there is God’s good intention and also God’s wisdom behind God’s permission to Satan to corrupt mankind. If we truly know how Satan corrupts and devours mankind, and also see how God does His work step by step to lead and save corrupted mankind, then we can see that no matter how Satan corrupts mankind, it is just the foil and serving object of God’s work. As such, we can know that it is God who loves and saves mankind and also see God’s righteousness and holiness. By contrast, we mankind will hate Satan and detest evil but seek after light and want to return to God. This is the effect God wants to achieve!

In addition, we should know that God’s work is not prepared or arranged well as He created the world, but instead, God works according to the development of matters. Satan corrupts man, so God works to save man. No matter how Satan carries out its plot to corrupt man, God has His wisdom to save man from Satan’s domain. Just as God’s words say, “None of God’s work among humanity had already been prepared upon the creation of the world; rather, it is the development of things that has allowed God to perform His work among humanity step by step and in a more realistic and practical manner. For example, Jehovah God did not create the serpent in order to tempt the woman; that was not His specific plan, nor was it something that He had intentionally predestined. One could say that this was an unexpected occurrence. Thus, it was because of this that Jehovah expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and vowed to never again create man. However, people only discover God’s wisdom upon this foundation. It is just as I said earlier: ‘I exercise My wisdom based upon Satan’s plots.’ No matter how corrupt humanity grows or how the serpent tempts them, Jehovah still has His wisdom; as such, He has been engaged in new work ever since He created the world, and none of the steps of this work has ever been repeated. Satan has continuously put plots into motion, humanity has constantly been corrupted by Satan, and Jehovah God has unceasingly carried out His wise work. He has never failed, nor has He ever stopped working, ever since the world was created. After humans were corrupted by Satan, He has kept working amongst them to defeat it, the enemy that was the source of their corruption. This battle has raged since the beginning, and will continue until the world’s end. In doing all this work, Jehovah God has not only allowed humans, who have been corrupted by Satan, to receive His great salvation, but also allowed them to see His wisdom, almightiness, and authority. Furthermore, in the end, He will let them see His righteous disposition—punishing the wicked and rewarding the good. He has battled Satan to this very day and has never been defeated. This is because He is a wise God, and He exercises His wisdom based upon Satan’s plots. Therefore, God not only makes everything in heaven submit to His authority, but He also has everything upon earth rest below His footstool and, not least, He makes the wicked who invade and harass humanity fall within His chastisement. The results of all this work are brought about because of His wisdom. He had never revealed His wisdom prior to the existence of humanity, for He had no enemies in heaven, upon earth, or anywhere in the entire universe, and there were no dark forces invading anything among nature. After the archangel betrayed Him, He created humanity upon the earth, and it was because of humanity that He formally began His millennia-long war with Satan, the archangel—a war that grows more heated with every successive stage. His almightiness and wisdom are present in each of these stages. Only then has everything in heaven and upon earth witnessed God’s wisdom, almightiness, and, in particular, God’s reality.

From God’s words, we can see that Satan is evil and in enmity to God, always competing with God for God’s authority. When Satan sees God created man and let man manage all things on earth, it starts to corrupt and control man, tempting man to resist and betray God but follow it. Thus, we can say Satan’s corruption to mankind is determined by its evil essence of opposing God. However, God allows Satan to corrupt mankind, in which there is God’s wisdom. Since Satan corrupts mankind, God starts to battle with Satan to save mankind step by step. After God thoroughly saves man from Satan’s domain, man will truly see that Satan’s essence is evil and ugly, and it can only corrupt and afflict man, while God’s essence is righteous and holy, and only God loves man and can save man. By such a contrast, we will have real discernment so that we will hate Satan more, completely betray and abandon it; we will wholeheartedly follow God and pursue the truth to be saved by God. In this way, we can know that God uses Satan as the foil to save mankind, which is indeed God’s wisdom and almightiness. Thank God!