Today’s Verse
I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where comes my help. My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
– Psalm 121:1–2
Do you also often find yourself facing various problems and uncertainties in this dark society, not knowing how to solve them? Even though we try to handle these issues with our own abilities, it seems to be in vain as these difficulties continue to entangle us. So, how can we find solutions to these problems and confusion? This devotional on Psalm 121:1–2 will provide you with help. Start reading it now!
“I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where comes my help. My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1–2). This is David’s genuine realization after experiencing many miraculous deeds of God. Even in his youth, David relied on God and received His help: With just a stone, he defeated the giant Goliath. Later, when David was pursued by Saul, he repeatedly overcame dangerous situations with God’s help. Eventually, he became the king of Israel with the assistance of God. Despite the challenges and wars that plagued the nation of Israel, David successfully protected Israel with God’s help and demonstrated his wisdom as a king. David’s life was filled with challenges and difficulties, but he had faith in God and relied on Him, so he received His help to navigate through hardships and witnessed the wonders of God. Therefore, David could declare these inspiring words, “My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”
Actually, in our lives, we often face numerous difficulties and challenges, such as the hardships of life, work frustrations, marital setbacks, and complex relationships. When these hardships come our way, do we rely on our own abilities to overcome them, or do we seek God’s help? If we solely depend on our own experiences and skills, these problems will only continue to entangle us, leading to increasing distress—this is a reality that many people can relate to. However, if we wholeheartedly rely on God to address these issues, we will receive His help, discover the path to resolving them, and witness God’s miraculous deeds in experiences. Ultimately, like David, we can also confidently proclaim, “From where comes my help. My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.”
It is just as God says, “Be quiet within Me, for I am your God, your only Redeemer. You must quiet your hearts at all times and live within Me; I am your rock, your buttress. Have no other mind, but rely on Me with your whole heart and I will certainly appear to you—I am your God! Ah, those doubters! They surely cannot stand firm and they will gain nothing.”
“It is very simple now: Look upon Me with your heart, and your spirit will immediately grow strong. You will have a path to practice, and I will guide your every step. My word shall be revealed to you at all times and in all places. No matter where or when, or how adverse the environment is, I will make you see clearly, and My heart shall be revealed to you if you look to Me with yours; in this manner, you will run down the road ahead and never lose your way.”
The words of God clearly tell us that He is our sole reliance and help. Whatever challenges or circumstances we face, we can rely on God and entrust these matters into His hands. By seeking His guidance and help, we can witness God’s actions, gain His help and protection, and have the faith and strength to overcome any difficulties that come our way.