Questions and Answers

Every denomination says that the one they believe in is the true God. How can we ascertain which one is the only true God?

The answer from God’s word:

“God created all things, so he will make all created things come under his dominion and submit under his dominion. He will govern all things and have all things in his hand. All creation, including animals, plants, mankind, mountains, rivers, and lakes, has to come under his dominion. All things in heaven and on earth have to come under his dominion, without any choice, and have to obey his manipulation. This is ordained by God and is God’s authority. God governs everything and puts all things in order, causing them to be after their kinds and be in their places according to God’s will. Even the greatest thing cannot surpass God, and all have to serve the mankind created by God. No thing dares to revolt against God or make any demand on God.”

from “Whether One Will Succeed Depends On the Way He Walks”in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“There are several main religions in the world, and each religion has its founder and its leader. And their followers are distributed in different countries on the surface of the earth and are distributed in different regions. Even in one country there are several different kinds of religions; this is so with almost every country, big or small. But no matter how many kinds of religions there are in the world, after all, all people in the entire universe live under the leading of one God, and it is not the founder or leader of any religion that leads them to live. In other words, the one who leads mankind is not the founder or leader of any religion; rather, it is the Creator who created the heavens and the earth, all things, and mankind that has been leading all mankind. This is a fact. Though there are several main religions in the world, however big they are, they live under the dominion of the Creator, and none of them can go beyond this boundary. The development of mankind, the change of society, and the progress of natural science cannot do without the arrangement of the Creator. These works cannot be done by the founder of any religion. The founder of a religion is only the leader of a religion, and he cannot represent God and does not represent the One who created the heavens and the earth and all things. The founder of a religion may be able to lead all the people in the entire religion, but he cannot lead all the created beings in the entire world. This is a fact known to all. The founder of a religion can only be a leader and cannot be on an equal footing with God (the Creator). All things are in the hand of the Creator, and in the end they will have to come under the hand of the Creator. Mankind was created by God, and whatever religion it is, it will have to come under God’s dominion. This is the sure trend. Only God is the supreme One among all things. Even the highest ruler among the created beings will have to come under his dominion. No matter how high a man’s position may be, he cannot bring mankind into the proper destination. No man can divide all things into their kinds. Jehovah himself created mankind, letting them be after their kinds, and in the end still he himself will do his own work, dividing all things into their kinds. Except God, no one can do this in his stead. The three stages of works done from the beginning until today are done by God Godself and done by one God. The facts of the three stages of works are the facts of God leading all mankind, which no one can deny. When the three stages of works end, all things will have been divided into their kinds and come under God’s dominion, because in the entire universe there is only this one God and there is no such thing as other religions. He who cannot create the world cannot end the world, and he who created the world can surely end the world. So, he who cannot end the age but can only make people cultivate their characters and nourish their temperaments is definitely not God and not the Lord of mankind, and he cannot do such a great work. There is only one who can do such work. Whoever cannot do it must be an enemy other than God. A false religion is not compatible with God. Whatever is not compatible with God is God’s enemy. All the works are done by this one true God, and the entire universe is governed by this one God. No matter whether he worked in Israel or works in China, and no matter whether the Spirit worked or the flesh works, all the works are done by himself, and no one else can do them in his stead. Because he is the God of all mankind, he works freely without being restricted by any conditions. This is the greatest vision.”

from “Knowing the Three Stages of Works Is the Way to Know God”in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“The way of life cannot be possessed by any man or easily gained by every man, because life can only come from God, that is, only God Godself possesses the substance of life and only God Godself has the way of life. So, only God is the source of life, and only God is the ever-gushing spring of living water of life. Since the creation of the world, God has done a great many works that carry life vigor, done many works that bring man life, and paid much price that enables man to have life, because God Godself is eternal life and God Godself is the way to resurrect man. God is in man’s heart every moment and is living among men every moment. He is the motivating power for man’s living, the foundation for man’s existence, and also the abundant mineral resources for man’s existence after birth. He causes men to be born again and causes men to live tenaciously in their respective roles. By his power and by his never-quenching life force, men have lived for generation after generation, while the power of God’s life has been supporting among them consistently. He has paid a price that ordinary men have never paid. God’s life force can vanquish all power and even more surpass all power. His life is perpetual, and his power is transcendent. No created being and no hostile force can overpower his life force. At any moment and in any place his life force exists and shines with brilliant radiance. Heaven and earth may change tremendously, but God’s life will never change; all things may pass away, but God’s life will still exist. This is because God is the origin of the existence of all things and the foundation for the existence of all things. Man’s life originates from God, the heaven comes into existence because of God, and the earth exists by the power of God’s life. Anything with vitality cannot go beyond God’s sovereignty, and anything with vigor cannot escape out of the scope of God’s authority. Thus, anyone, no matter who he is, has to become subject under God’s dominion and live under God’s governing and cannot escape out of God’s hand.”

from “Only the Last Christ Can Bestow to Man the Way of Eternal Life”in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“God’s own work has to be done by God Godself. He is the One who starts the work and who ends the work. He is the One who plans the work and who manages the work, and even more the One who accomplishes the work. Just as the Bible says, ‘I am the Beginning and the End. I am the One who sows and who reaps.’ All these works that have to do with his management have to be done by himself. He is the Ruler of the six-thousand-year management plan. No man can do his work in his stead, and no man can end his work, because he controls everything. Since he created the world, he will lead the entire world to live in his light, and he will surely end the entire age to accomplish all his plans!”

from “The Mystery of Incarnation (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh