Questions and Answers

If I believe in Almighty God, doesn’t it mean that I have betrayed the Lord Jesus? Isn’t this apostasy?

Bible Reference

“Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of mysunshine God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write on him my new name.” (Rev 3:12)

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev 1:8)

“And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell on their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give you thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which are, and were, and are to come; because you have taken to you your great power, and have reigned.” (Rev 11:16-17)

The answer from God’s word:

“The work done now has advanced the work of the Age of the Grace, and it also means that the work in the entire six-thousand-year management plan has progressed forward. Although the Age of the Grace has ended, God’s work has advanced deeper. Why do I say again and again that this stage of work is done on the basis of the Age of the Grace and the Age of the Law? That is to say, the work of today is a continuation of the work of the Age of the Grace and is an uplifting of the work of the Age of the Law. The three stages of works are closely connected, with one stage closely linked to the previous one. Why do I also say that this stage of work is done on the basis of the stage of Jesus’ work? If it were not done on its basis, in this stage God would have to be crucified again, still doing the redemptive work of the previous stage. That would be meaningless. So, it is not that the work has completely ended, but that the age has progressed forward and the work has become higher than before. It can be said that this stage of work is a work built on the basis of the Age of the Law and also on the rock of the work of Jesus. They are built one stage upon another, and it is not that this stage of work is another start. Only the three stages of works together can be called the six-thousand-year management plan.Jesus and I are from one Spirit. Although our fleshes have no relationship, our Spirits are one; although the contents of our works are different and the works we undertake are different, our substances are the same.”

from “The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of Incarnation”in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“Although Jehovah, Jesus, and Messiah all represent my Spirit, these several names only represent the different ages in my management plan and do not represent my all. The names by which people on earth call me cannot thoroughly express all my disposition and being, and it is only that they call me by different addresses in different ages. So when the final age, that is, the last age, comes, my name will still change. I will not be called Jehovah or Jesus, much less Messiah, but the powerful Almighty God Godself, with which name I will end the entire age. I was once called Jehovah and was also once called Messiah by people, and people also once called me the Savior Jesus out of love and esteem for me. Today, I am no longer Jehovah or Jesus whom people knew before but the God who has returned in the end time and who will end the age and the God Godself who arises in the ends of the earth, laden with all my disposition and full of authority, honor, and glory. People have never contacted me nor known me or known about my disposition. From the creation of the world until now, no one has ever seen me. This is the God who appears to people in the end time and yet is hidden among them, living among them true and real, like a burning sun and like a flaming fire, full of power and full of authority. No man and no thing will not be judged in my word. Under the burning of fire, no man and no thing will not be purified. In the end, all nations will be blessed because of my word and will also be crushed because of my word, so that all people in the end time will see that I am the Return of the Savior and I am the Almighty God who conquers all mankind, and that all people will see that I was once man’s sin offering, but in the end time I become the fire of the burning sun that burns all things and the sun of righteousness that reveals all things. This is my work in the end time. I take this name and bear such disposition for the purpose that all people will see that I am a righteous God, a burning sun, and a flaming fire, that all people will worship me—the only true God, and that all people will see my real image: I am not only the God of the Israelites or only the Redeemer, but the God of all created beings in the heavens and on the earth and in the seas.”

from “The ‘Savior’ Has Already Returned on the ‘White Cloud’” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“Only those who follow the Lamb’s footsteps to the end can receive the ultimate blessings. None of the ‘smart men,’ who have not followed to the end but think that they have gained everything, can see God’s appearing. They all consider themselves the smartest in the world. They put the continuously developing work of God to an end without any reason, and moreover, they seem to believe with one hundred percent assurance that God will take them up the ‘utterly faithful ones who follow God and hold on to God’s words.’ Those who cannot follow to the end and who cannot keep up with the work of the Holy Spirit but only hold on to the old work not only fail to be faithful to God but instead become the ones who resist God, the ones rejected by the new age, and the ones to be punished. Aren’t they the most pitiable ones? Many people even think that all those who reject the old law and accept the new work are ones who have no conscience. These who only exercise ‘conscience’ but do not know the work of the Holy Spirit will have their future ruined by their conscience in the end. Even God does not keep regulations in working. Though they are his own works, he does not cling to them, negating those that ought to be negated and eliminating those that ought to be eliminated. However, man holds on to a small part of the management work and acts against God. Isn’t this man’s absurdity? Isn’t it man’s ignorance? The more one is cautious for fear of not receiving blessings, the less he can receive blessings and receive the ultimate blessings. Those who rigidly keep the law are all utterly faithful to the law. The more they are faithful to the law like that, the more they are disobedient ones who resist God, because now is the Age of the Kingdom, not the Age of the Law. The present work cannot be mentioned in the same breath with the past work, and the past work cannot be compared with the work of today. As God’s work has changed, man’s practice has also changed, which is not keeping the law or bearing the cross. So man’s faithfulness to the law and to the cross cannot be approved by God.”

from “God’s Work and Man’s Practice” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“God does different work in each age. If you obey the work of this period properly but do not obey the work of the next period properly or cannot obey it, then God will forsake you. When God walks up this step, you keep up; when he walks up the next step, you still have to keep up. Only thus are you one who obeys the Holy Spirit.”

from “Those Who Sincerely Obey God Will Surely Be Gained by God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“And think back to the end of the Jews two thousand years ago nailing Jesus onto the cross—the Jews were driven out of Israel and fled to other countries around the world, many of them were slaughtered, and the whole race suffered an unprecedented misery from the destruction of their nation. What had they done wrong? They nailed God onto the cross—a monstrous sin—which provoked God’s disposition. They had to pay for what they had done and bear all the consequences of what they had done. They condemned God and rejected God, so their destiny was only to be punished by God.

Today God has again come to the world to do his work.God’s work is advancing with mighty force like surging waves. No one can hold him back, and no one can stop his steps. Only those who listen to his word attentively and seek and thirst after him can follow his footsteps and receive his promises. Except for them, all will suffer overwhelming disasters and deserved punishments.”

from “God Is Sovereign over the Destiny of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

“God’s work waits for no one, and his salvation will not be thrown lightly to anyone like rubbish, but rather, it has its objects, its aims, and its selections. If you do not know to treasure it, then what awaits you will only be God’s righteous judgment and punishment. God is righteous to everyone. No matter how old you are, how senior you are, or even how much you have suffered, God’s righteous disposition will never change because of these. God does not think highly of anyone nor treat anyone unfairly. His attitude toward a person depends on whether he can drop everything to accept the truth and accept his new work. If you can receive his new work and receive the truth that he expresses, then you will receive God’s salvation; if you flaunt your seniority, put on the airs of a veteran, and bargain over terms with God, then God’s salvation will leave you. The Jews, for example, could not accept Jesus Christ but only waited for the Messiah, and what came upon them in the end was God’s curse and wrath. This is a fact obvious to us all.”

from “Postscript” to Typical Cases of Punishment for Resisting Almighty God